I didn’t realized my husband didn’t wanted a baby?! 😞

Did your partner wanted a baby?

I know it’s long but please comment I really need someone’s opinion. Thank you 🙏🏽 I got married in 2020 and deeply in love with my husband as he is with me. I know he loves me so much by his actions of love and for how much I see he cares about me so there is no bought there but when we started to have a more in deep conversation about babies he would get weird about it. We stared to try to conceive and been trying for almost 2 years. And sometimes we haven’t really really try cause we don’t actually have sex on ovulation days. I been having a really hard time because I get so sad after month after month with ni success. Having a family has always been a dream to me and I so scare that I will not be able to have a baby ever so it has really affected me. We also had a very early miscarriage at the beginning of 2023 which has given me some hope that we can actually get pregnant. Because we have been having a hard time me and my husband have had a few conversations about conception and he has brought up several time that he is ok if we do t have kids and that he will support me in keep trying but he has no problem if we don’t get pregnant. This has cause some discussions because I feel he should be all for it and not be like whatever about it since it’s a big decision. He has gotten tested thou for his sperm and ultrasound and everything is ok. I have too and there is no real problem. The problem that I have seen is that we just need to actually try on ovulation days and more frequent sex around those days. Well today we had a conversation about us really trying to get technical and have sex on ovulation days and he had a question for me that really hurt me “why do you want a baby”? Like are we not on the same page?was my response so we had a discussion and how he says he doesn’t really have an interest on becoming a father like there is nothing that drives him he said. So that really hurt me and I explain that to him as I was crying so he immediately told me that he will be with by my side and help me in anyway as his intend is not to take that big dream from me and he will try and has tried to get us to keep getting pregnant. He says that he is down to keep trying and do what ever it takes. I just feel really down as I feel he should want to become a dad and a parent with me. He says he is fine either way and somehow that is not ok with me. I do t want to force him into parenthood just cause is my dream. He says I am taking things out of context as he is willing to do it because of me. But what is going to happen when things get hard with parenthood as much as he wants to do it because of me I do t what to give him a child he doesn’t want. Am I wrong for thinking this way? Are some men like whatever about becoming parents and do they change once they have a kid. Please share your experience or your take I am lost! 😞

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