Trying to be strong through a hardship

Currently 6 months pregnant with my 3rd

Trying to find a job , my partner is going through detox rn from substance abuse , I’m trying to take care of my family and figure everything out and I just feel so stuck and alone and stressed I just need a job so bad and I keep applying for places an no luck. My oldest is 5 and she is outgrowing mostly everything so I need to figure out what I can do for her for pajamas and shoes soon. I feel like I’m trying not to give up on my partner after practically having a break down every week for them to stop doing what they are doing. I don’t think I can hold it together anymore and i feel so selfish because my babies are the only ones caught in the middle of this all I just wanna be a good parent an provide for my kids an give them everything they need an I just don’t feel this situation getting any better.