Ex talk. Help me get over this loser.
My ex had so many red flags not even a month into dating, he cheated on me less than a month into us dating, I gave him a second chance, and ultimately ended up breaking up with him for good..
But im just now finding out about all this shit he lied to me about, and that he was actually such an awful person.
I think he has some bad mental health stuff going on as he lost his job a few months ago (cuz he lied to his supervisor lol), and he blew through all of his money in a matter of 3 months on alcohol, nicotine etc.
so now his car got repossessed, he’s practically homeless, and he’s probably filing for bankruptcy
[[mind you, I’ve been NOTHING but supportive and wanted to help him with whatever issues he had. I felt for him to the best of my ability]]
Why am I still annoyed by all these lies im finding out about?? like he’s so full of shit it’s insane.
how did I allow myself to let him into my life AT ALL?
How did I not see this???
WHY did he choose me to be so awful to???
Idk . I’m just frustrated by the lies and how i had no idea about stuff.
Achieve your health goals from period to parenting.