Ex talk. Help me get over this loser.

My ex had so many red flags not even a month into dating, he cheated on me less than a month into us dating, I gave him a second chance, and ultimately ended up breaking up with him for good..

But im just now finding out about all this shit he lied to me about, and that he was actually such an awful person.

I think he has some bad mental health stuff going on as he lost his job a few months ago (cuz he lied to his supervisor lol), and he blew through all of his money in a matter of 3 months on alcohol, nicotine etc.

so now his car got repossessed, he’s practically homeless, and he’s probably filing for bankruptcy

[[mind you, I’ve been NOTHING but supportive and wanted to help him with whatever issues he had. I felt for him to the best of my ability]]


Why am I still annoyed by all these lies im finding out about?? like he’s so full of shit it’s insane.

how did I allow myself to let him into my life AT ALL?

How did I not see this???

WHY did he choose me to be so awful to???

Idk . I’m just frustrated by the lies and how i had no idea about stuff.

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Please know that you owe him nothing. You are not responsible for his well being or mental health. You don’t have to help him whatsoever. He saw you as a nice person that wanted to be helpful and fix him. I’ve been there myself. I really got used and taken advantage of and cheated on daily of course I didn’t know that since we didn’t live together the minute I would go home he would hit the bars and bring home women. Every night. Was the most expensive relationship I was ever in. Cleaning up all his messes. How neglectful he was and irresponsible. And me wanting to help him and felt bad stood by his side. Why because I didn’t want to be alone and he knew that. He could get away with whatever after I took him back. Instead of having more respect for myself and realizing he was a piece of crap and that I deserved better rather than settling for his crap. I’m not that person anymore. I don’t date people who don’t have their lives together. Not someone that’s dependent on me in anyway. Emotionally, physically, financially etc. you need to realize the same. Whether that is on your own or in therapy or medication. You owe him nothing. He’s on his own to figure it out. He’s not your burden or problem to carry that drains you in every way. That’s a project not a partner. Walk away. Not your problem anymore. Stop taking back cheaters. If you know someone is a red flag stop the relationship and move on. Don’t collect the red flags like a dozen roses. The first disappointment you walk away, stop giving chances to people who don’t deserve them. It’s ok to be alone. Alone and loneliness are not the same thing. Alone is peaceful, no bs and drama to deal with. You grow in being alone. You enjoy the peace. You spend time with friends and family. You have the time to do all the things that you have always wanted to do in life. You get therapy if you need it and grow as a person. You realize that a man or a real doesn’t define you as a person or complete you. You complete yourself. And keep moving forward.