Do boys care about weight

I'm asking because I took my kids shopping last week for back to school clothes and my son had to go up a size. He's 13. He put on weight over the summer and I said "You're getting chubby." He got quiet and ended up just letting me pick out his clothes. He's been acting weird since and if I hurt his feelings i feel bad. I didn't think that would hurt him. I honestly didn't think boys care as much about their weight as girls.

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Posted at
you need to apologize and never comment on his body again. this is how kids develop eating disorders. and yes, boys can have eating disorders too just in case you’re ignorant to that fact


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He’ll never forget that comment.Dont comment on anyone’s body ever, including your child especially one going through puberty. Boys can develop eating disorders as well. This is honestly a ridiculous question and I hope it’s a troll.


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My husband who’s 47 is constantly worrying about his weight. Everybody does. I know you probably didn’t intend on hurting his feelings. You would’ve felt self conscious if some one has said that to you.


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Yes of course they care...males are human with emotions and.that age is one of the hardest honestly body wise because bodies are changing and hormones are appearing and social media is there 24/7. You need to apologize and take him out again after you build some of his confidence back and let him buy a few things he wants and he feels good in. You may not have meant any harm but you caused a lot. You need to fix it.


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No one likes to be body shamed. Honestly, it's people like you who ruin children's self-esteem. If I could shake you, I would. Like what is wrong with you? 


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Yikes, yeah they care, especially at that age theyre so sensitive and insecure. Not good. You owe him an apology.


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Why wouldn't boys care?? I have a 7 year old boy who is already falling into self conscious ways. It doesn't help that kids are absolutely ruthless today. Word of advice, a comment like this might not mean much to you but you really shouldn't be your childs first bully.


Posted at
Are you stupid? Why in the hell would you think saying that to your child is ok? Boys care about weight. You hurt his feelings. You shamed your child. Biological sex doesn’t make feelings about weight change. Shame on you.