Toddler sleep issues!


My son is 2 years 8 months and for the past week he has completely changed at bed time. Just point blank refuses. Won’t even lay down or have the blanket on him. Says he doesn’t like his bed or bedroom and says he is scared and after 2 hours of us trying to get him to lay down and go to sleep and 2 hours of crying, the only way we get him to settle and go to sleep is if he’s laid in between us in our bed. We’ve then tried transferring him to his own bed and he’s fine until you put him down and then he starts again. We’ve tried talking to him saying everything is okay, mummy and daddy are here, this is where you sleep, this is your bed etc and also tried putting him in the same room as his older brother but that didn’t work either. I’m honestly stumped I don’t know what else I can do. Should we just decide to co sleep? HELP