my elevator baby🩵


at my 20 week ultrasound they found abnormalities in my sons brain. after an MRI and a million ultrasounds we know he has ACC, hetertopia, and asymmetry of the brain hemispheres. his condition could range from totally normal, mild, or severe. i was offered to medically terminate my son many times. i couldn’t do it because i love my son regardless if he wasn’t completely perfect. because he could possibly need additional help in life doesn’t mean he wasn’t worth coming into this world. he is perfect to me. i had planned for worst case scenarios of his condition when he was born we didn’t know how things would be however i am more than blessed. my son is just like any other newborn. we’ve done several more tests on him outside of the womb and none are any different from what we already knew. he is thriving and he most definitely loves to eat! he can do all things a regular newborn would do. my heart hurts when i think about all the times i was offered to terminate due to his condition. i’m so thankful i trusted my heart and my gut and didn’t do it. my birth was traumatic but im so grateful my son is healthy and doing so well, due to my hospitals negligence my birth was the furthest from what i ever planned or expected. the nicu at my hospital has been more than amazing though. we should hopefully be going home soon he has one more eye test to do tomorrow. right now everything looks good and checks out. we will obviously have many doctors and many appointments. so many follow ups and things to do. things could progress as he gets older but right now i’m enjoying every minute of my perfect son and im so grateful for my son and my daughter. my heart is so full.