Idk if I want to be pregnant


My partner and I decided to ttc after waiting a year since our mc. The whole time it felt off. Like he wasn’t fully invested. I would always have to be the one to bring up ovulation, pregnancy test results, symptoms, etc. This raised some concerns so I asked him on multiple occasions if he was sure about ttc. He always reassured me he wanted to so I figure I was just being crazy and making it all up in my head. Then about two weeks ago he told me he in fact had changed his mind and didn’t wanna keep trying. This devastated me and I told him if he doesn’t want to we can wait but to just know that I am hurt. I don’t want him to feel guilty but I also need him to know it’s not easy for me. Especially bc I am currently late on my period. He told me if I was pregnant he would be happy but part of me is scared that if I am pregnant I’m always gonna think about him not wanting it. I know he’s saying he does and that should make me feel better but he’s been asking about my period everyday. Now that he’s finally expressing interest it’s because he doesn’t want me to be pregnant. It just hurts because it’s something I should be excited for but now idk if it’s what I want. I think a better way of saying that is it’s not how I wanted it to be. Because I do want to be pregnant but not while I feel so alone. I haven’t taken any tests yet since we’re on vacation and I’d rather wait till I’m home. He also hasn’t been the kindest to me (which is a whole other thing) and it’s been making me feel worse. I feel scared that if I’m pregnant, even if he’s there, I’m gonna feel alone forever.