What would you do?

I live in smaller midsize city of approximately 80,000 people. The homeless/drug/crime issues here are out of control. On my way to drop my kids off at school I drive by at least 15-20 homeless people just wandering the streets, and at least one or two are yelling/flailing/clearly not with it. I really hate living here and I feel like this isn’t normal. It feels unsafe to me and I avoid entire areas of town and am always on edge in general no matter where I’m going. The only reason we’re here is because we both have really good high paying jobs and the cost of real estate is relatively low so we can afford a very nice home, vehicles, lifestyle etc. I really want to relocate but my husband thinks that our lifestyle is great and doesn’t want to leave. No matter what we’d be able to afford less if we moved- which I feel like isn’t a big deal, we could live in a smaller home it doesn’t matter to me, I just want to feel “home”. We’ve been talking about this issue for years and my husbands argument is that issues such as homelessness and crime are everywhere, it doesn’t matter where you go. What would you do? Would you push the issue to leave or accept it and stay?

I’ll add that we don’t have any other reason to stay either- no family or friends here