Need Adivce, pic included


My granddaughter has always had sensitive skin. She turned 1 at the end of March. I know she’s been to the ER a handful of times for her whole body just being one inflamed red rash they give her cream and send her on her way. Cream does seem to help at times but other times not so much. Her pediatrician has paid no mind to it up until my granddaughter had an open wound on her foot probably the size of my adult palm because she would rip off any bandage put on it and the scab to keep picking at it. That finally got him to refer her to an allergist but those appointments are months out. The mom asked if I would make this post for some advice and I told her I would need a pic to post with it. This is the only one she sent me and you can see how splotchy her skin is and all those scabs she’s done to herself. I think since like day 1 this kid has always had some scratch on her face, which is kinda normal for babies. But like I saw her today in a tank top and her arms are 100% worse than her legs, her back is scratched in spots you’d have to reach to scratch this isn’t some accidental babies have sharp nail scratches. Her chest and stomach is like this she doesn’t miss a spot. I know when she was a baby her mom switched to hypoallergenic detergents, and shampoos and creams for herself and the baby. It never seemed to make much of a difference. I’m not sure if she still does but I do know that, my grand baby gets a bath every night and then just soaked in Vaseline or auquaphor. My daughter is a young mom she’ll be 21 this year and this is her first kid. I feel she feels she’s tried everything. Has anyone gone through something similar? Is there better creams to use? Could this not be allergy thing? She shows no other symptoms of allergies over than the sensitive skin. All comments appreciated and thank you I’m advance.