When to BD with possible sperm issues??

Hey everyone. Sooo to make a long story short, DH and I have been TTC #1 for 5 months now. I know from his previous marriage (they have no kids together) they had fertility issues. Apparently his sperm count was normal but he had a high amount of abnormal sperm. I've honestly never thought much about it because I don't want it to stress me out or cause friction between us. We have had conversations about it before obviously but I don't want to focus on the past. 
Having said that I'm wondering when we should BD this cycle. We did every other day the previous cycle and every day this cycle. I'm wondering if we should only BD peak day and O day but it makes me nervous not to do it enough. I use opks so I know when I O. 
Any advice is appreciated. I'm trying not to stress and would like to go to the doctor to get his counts rechecked (it's been probably 5 years) but I feel like we will just be blown off since we "haven't been trying that long". We are adding fertilaid for men this cycle. 
Sorry for being so lengthy. Thanks everyone!!

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