Sinking ship

Y’all… I can’t do this anymore… I hate my life… I hate how many times I’ve been cheated on.. promised better got married had a baby… moved states for him to be busted on tinder almost 2 years ago after my nicu baby and after my surgery … I have a gut feeling he has been trying to see how far he can get with this lil hooker at a coffee shop but I stopped it too early because I didn’t want to deal with the depression and heartache… my stomach hurts and for a good reason… I then found him clicking on a bunch of random women from his home state which he is going to next weekend for something…. I found “if I delete messages on messenger will the other person know” like why did he look that up? Please tell me I’m just a crazy bitch like he just did… 😢 he broke me I am the way I am because of his actions and now I’m the crazy bitch