Needing advice here

For those who deal with anxiety do you tend to pull away from people you care about

Background: talking to an amazing

Guy. We have been so good all up until kinda yesterday night / today

He says he deals with anxiety better

When alone but the way he would

Text me changed in a day and I’m kinda worried am I overthinking? I told him I understood nd will give him his space and he appreciated me for understanding him.. I’m an over thinker obviously

Our text went like this

(I made sure to let him know I really care and like him and don’t want to lose him by overwhelming it!)

This is what he said when I asked him if his anxiousness had to do with me overwhelming him he said “ Honestly maybe be a tiny bit, but it's mostly some other things I've been going through this year “

Then I responded with

Ok.. I'm going to distance myself, and whenever you're ready just reach out..

In regards to the other things I'm sorry it's causing you to have anxiety

He then went on and responded: Thanks so much for understanding. I promise its not really really relating to you but when I feel like this I usually get over it faster when I'm to myself. Im sorry It's hard to explain tbh but I'm working with a therapist on figuring it out. This all started when Covid happened and it escalated a lot more last year.

And I said: Of course I'm a super understanding person and you'll see that a lot more as you get to know me... I really care and like you __.. and wouldn't want to loose you by overwhelming you. So whenever you are ready I'll be here for you. You do not have to be sorry at all I have anxiety as well so I understand how you are feeling and I pray that God heals our heart, mind, and soul from this anxiety we struggle with..

Every time I feel my anxiety trying to lure in and it happens when I'm mostly alone and able to sit and think I read this

So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. Isiah 41:10

Have a good rest of your day/ week handsome. 💕