Chronic headaches/head pressure


So I have been having head pressure and headaches since September. I got strep in September the doctor prescribed me medicine I had bad headaches when I had strep. I asked her do strep cause you to have headaches and she answered “yes nothing to worry about”. Fast forward to January 2024. Still having them. I went to er in Oct of last year they were that bad. I got a ct scan and maestro eye X-ray. The Ct was clear the maestro eye X-ray said I had mildly elevated optical nerves. The er referred me to neurology which is all backed up and barely take my insurance. I saw an optometrist and he examined my eyes and saw nothing, he even said he didn’t see elevated optical nerves and he didn’t know where the er physician got that from. Nevertheless, my insurance is crap. My appointment to see an in network neurologist isn’t until May….. I am being impatient because my head pressure/headaches are more frequent, I don’t know what to do.😫😫