Trouble in paradise lol

My boyfriend (28) and I (22) have been together for 3 years. He’s been one of my best friends and we have always been happy together. However, things have gotten a little rocky lately since we have moved in together…😬😞 have been living together almost 6 months now. Before we had always lived apart and saw each other often! We also used to have a lot of fun in the bedroom. Now that we are living together, I am not as happy as I thought I would be… we rarely have sex anymore. Usually, we have to be drinking in order to get to that point. He also seems to have lost like motivation. He quit his job this weekend on a whim because he couldn’t handle the drama. He also is like a little controlling about portions of food. He will make me a small plate and say “that’s probably all you’ll eat” and then act so shocked that I ate that small portion. It makes me feel a little ashamed since I am still hungry and he acted like I ate a lot. He spends most his time watching videos on his phone, playing Xbox, and taking naps. When I sit with him and try to talk he doesn’t even hear me the first time. I always have to repeat myself. He doesn’t understand why it makes me upset. He tells me he should be allowed to do those things in his own home… which is true… but why is it so selfish to me? I don’t feel like a priority to him anymore. It hasn’t even been a full year… I feel like I’m struggling to even communicate with him because he is so defensive. Tomorrow is family dinner for my little brothers birthday. I’m considering going without him… so I can be with my family stress-free… I want his attention and I don’t know how to get it. Is it the age difference? Is 28 too soon for sex drive to decrease?