Advice please!


Hi everyone! TMI pictures below.

The past three months my period has been all over the place! My husband and I are trying for baby number two so I don’t know if that has any part in it but in the month of February my period was 8 days late, in the month of March it came 2 days early. Then for the month of April I didn’t get a period at all (it was 15 days late) but came May 2nd and ended May 7th. With this being said yesterday morning (picture below) was there when I wiped but then nothing else. Forward to last night my husband and I had sex and this morning I woke up with blood (red) in my underwear. Throughout the day it’s been there sometimes when I wipe then other times not. During the day it varies from light pink to a super light brown. Has this happened to anyone else or know what it could be?

Thank you!