Put some damn clothes on!

Caroline🌼 • in a relationship//dog mom of one
So I live in a house with 3 other people and a 9 month old (not including my partner so a total of 4 people) 
And the 9 month olds mother insists on walking around almost completely naked constantly! 
Like today. She's been done with her shower for over an hour and she's still walking around in a towel (that's falling off and she's not fixing) doing pointless chores. Keeping in mind that she's been Ito her bedroom several times and still hasn't gotten dressed. 
She's always changing in the kitchen even though her room is just down the hall. Or walking around with no pants on, and no bra with her nipples popping out. My partner has walked into a room to talk to her and she was just laying there with a towel on and her legs up so that he could see her bits (I would say she was coming on to him but it's his sister) it's just so gross bc while I don't have a problem with nudity, it's all the frikken time like this is her house (which it's not she doesn't even pay rent) 
Everyone else has the common courtesy to at least be covered fully when walking through public areas of the house.