3 mth pp/ check in


Hello I have had this little bud for 3 months now, my days are happy but somedays I get very emotional and can’t explain my emotions but I’ve started taking some gym classes and reading. How is everyone one else holding up. I do feel sad that all my friends left me that was my biggest hurt. But I’m getting through it slowly.

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Posted at
You + your son : SOO pretty & sooo adorable ! ✨ Friends come & go , but our babies are forever! ♾️


Bianca • Jul 20, 2024
Thank you. This is true !!!


Posted at
Hey hun! Wow, He looks so adorable and precious! And you are so stunning and beautiful! Those emotions you're experiencing are hormonal related postpartum. I have those emotional moments from time to time, especially when it's that time of month I'm having. I get so emotional and I feel that everyone is against me and so on. It's not fun. Everyday is a battle. Some days I'm fine and then there's some days I get so emotional and I struggle to handle it all. Don't worry about your friends, they're not worth your time. Your son is more important and he is your legacy. I know you feel, I had friends like that, and they left me and that was my biggest hurt too. I'm here if you ever want to reach out. I'm all ears. They say I'm a good listener 😊


Jennifer 🖤 • Aug 3, 2024
You're very welcome, anytime hun 🫂🌸🌸


Bianca • Aug 3, 2024
Thank you very much 🫂🌸🌸


Posted at
Your hormone changes are so extreme postpartum that it’s normal to feel like that. You’re hormones won’t complete balance out until at least 2 years postpartum and even more sometimes. You’re doing great picking out hobbies to help. Also, if you’re breastfeeding /pumping, that will also cause sadness. Mother hood is the most, exhausting, hard, beautiful experience. Please reach out if you ever need to vent. I’ll be an ear for you.


Bianca • Jul 27, 2024
I’m ready to go back to work but this is my first time being a stay home mom. But im trying to enjoy it without feeling guilty . I been looking but making mom friends is harder than making a regular friend 😭. And I don’t like mom groups cause I don’t want to force someone to be my friend 🥲 but I been getting out there a little


Mercedes • Jul 27, 2024
This is so funny! I have a 2.5 month old baby boy but my first born boy is also ten. He’s struggling with behaviors, & I’m struggling with anxiety. I’m slowly getting back into the gym & have been back into reading lately too 🤣 I totally feel you! But I hope you can find a support group bc some days my coworkers are the only ones who keep me sane.


Cecilia • Jul 21, 2024
Girl!!! That’s the never ending struggle 😆😆😆 where do these mom friends with the same age kids exist lol. I’ve been looking for 4 years .


Posted at
Hey hun! Hes adorable! And you’re stunning! Those emotions are hormonal related to postpartum. I have postpartum anxiety and ocd it’s not fun. Everyday is a battle. Some days I’m obsessed with my baby then there’s some days I struggle to bond. Just hang in there! Time heals! And who cares about friends. Your son is your legacy, not friends. However I can relate to you, a lot of my friends without kids vanished, but then I gained a lot of mom friends. Sometimes you just need to be around people you can relate to! Go enjoy your baby boy!


Vera • Jul 20, 2024
Girl I feel you. I’m on the same boat. I also have ocd where I’m constantly googling everything my baby does and at one point I convinced myself she has autism lol she’s only 3 months old I know it sounds crazy but mental health is super important. I try to keep my mind busy but with my first baby I love her so much it’s sad with the second one I’m going through weird emotions. But it’s all temporary over time everything will fall in place.


Bianca • Jul 20, 2024
This was all my emotions put in one. I did have anxiety the first month like I cried so much like if the world was falling in a pit I never had that feeling before I’m just barley starting to get a little out and slowly getting better. But man that is a struggle 😞


Posted at
You’ll make better friends! Congrats 🎊


Posted at
So beautiful!!