Can I vent?


Hey ladies, mom of three and another on the way.

Lately I just been feeling so alone, I try and express myself with my partner and you know try and get some type of reassurance because lately I just feel like there’s something wrong with me mentally. Like I i feel depressed, he’s aware I hold a lot of my emotions and how I feel.

But when I do express myself he just constantly hits me with “ you always say something is wrong with you, do something about it that might help, sorry you feel this way” and this is what causes me to just close in.

Sometimes I just want to hear I’m not alone, or that he’s here for me or just a hug…I always feel like I have to figure it out myself or I just have to keep how I feel in. I feel like he just dismisses it and than goes on to talk about work, typically when he’s at work we hardly talk. Than when he gets home, he goes to his ps5 or is watching videos or just goes to bed.

I don’t work and well I’m home 24/7, being that the kids are still in summer im always with them and doing the home dueties.I never really have time for myself, honestly about 10-15mins of my day in the bath.

Just been having these negative thoughts, and lately I overwhelm myself and just a lot goes through my head and I feel so alone…sometimes I question a lot about my relationship and like does he just settle to be with me just because. Because he’s very social with coworkers, but with me like he just doesn’t bother like it’s uninteresting and just dismisses me or just talk about work..or the guys…

If I try and talk to him about how I feel, it’s gunna be the same thing. Just a little pep talk and literally forget it and not even bother after. 😞

Just feel so alone….