Is using the word “foreign” in a description of a person a slur?

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I just saw a post on the NextDoor app that some guy asked earlier why do we have a foreign commentator speaking for the Lions game. Someone commented "who cares". I didn't see the other comments but when I got back on the app later, I saw his post was flagged and removed. He questioned why was it removed. It's the way he worded it. There were plenty of other ways he could have asked or not at all. If you have to question it, then maybe you shouldn't be using it to describe someone.


Posted at
it depends. if someone is using it in a racist microaggression way then yes it’s wrong. as a “foreign” person myself living in the US I’ve used it on myself like my Instagram bio for a time was “if it ain’t foreign it’s borin’” lmao but if someone uses it negatively l definitely think it’s wrong


Posted at
Hey girl. If you don’t know the definition of a word, you can google it.


Casey • Sep 23, 2024
Hey girl. Not what OP asked. If you don’t know how to be helpful, you can skip it.