Perfume error 🙈


I have a (second) date today and I had ordered perfume for myself.

I don't usually buy myself gifts, let alone something expensive, it definitely was expensive. So I went through the unboxing process, which was nice but will be a one off..

and I got a few free products.

One of the free products was a different perfume. The cap was kinda firm so when I opened it - I was curious - it spilled a bit into my hair - which I had been very careful with all day after washing this morning.. it's a mens perfume..

ugh 🙈

I tried to fix it by spraying the perfume ordered into my hair..

now my entire house smells like a mixture of both perfumes and my date'll be here in a few hours 🙈

I opened all my windows 🤣and I am cold now but I hope the scent will get better 🙈

I also informed my guy I had a perfume accident


We had a good laugh about it 🤣

I did end up washing my hair 😅