
So after finding out my husband was cheating just a few days before Christmas we talkd and I thought we were past it and it wouldnt happen again WRONG i have caught him 4 times since and by cheating I mean communicating with other women I dont think he had sex with anyone but I am pretty sure he would have if the opportunity presented itself...so needless today the last time was the last time for me he is out 9f the house (of course he begged me to stay again) I have had divorce papers drawn up for a while now...I may just be bitter right now but ladies stop forgiving men after they cheat...think about it do you cheat on him..no? Why? Because you love him, of he felt the same way he wouldnt cheat on you. Ladies lets do away with the men will be men a man that cheats especially on his pregnant wife or gf is no man at all

Has anyone else had a similar situation becoming single while pregnant?