Lost and confused

I've been married now to a man that I'm so in love with. We have been trying to have a child of our own.  I have 2 daughters and he has 4 children before me. His family and children keep asking when am I going to have a baby from him. I keep telling them that it's when God bless me with it. But over the years I've went through a lot from them saying I can't have any children to I got something removed after my last child. This whole situation has been so stressful for the past 4 years. My ob/gyn say there is nothing wrong with me that I even went to a specialist and they don't see anything wrong. The specialist suggested he run some test on my husband and he get upset talking about its me not him, so he leaves. So as I'm at work he claim he went and nothing is wrong him, as his wife I take his word. ( which he never showed me the paper from the lab). But lately he has been acting differently not wanting to tell where he is but always want to know where I am and what I am doing. ( now as Tyler Perry said in one of his play the only reason for that is to make sure that you are not in the same area he is). He even now gets upset when I say what's on my mind. It's like whatever I do it bothers him. But when he see someone taking a interest he's upset with that person that now he don't allow his friends at the house. But one of his friend wife told me I need to start going out with him. When he claim his going out with his friend he's really isn't. So I asked her how she know and if she is she it's not her man that's doing it ( even though I was defensive I was hurting deep down for this isn't the first time I heard this). Now when I'm at work he's never home he's always handling somethings which is bull sh*t for later on he's handling the same thing but I'm with him now.  When I ask what happen you did this at the beginning of the week. He tells me he didn't say that now he's trying to make me look and feel stupid.  Idk all the sign is there but I guess I'm just closing my eyes on it. Tell me you opinion plz. 
From hurting and confused