
Okay so I have this just awesome dad for my daughter..
Sarcasm not this weekend but last weekend he got his daughter for the weekend Friday to Sunday he called her wensday two days before pick up dropped her on Sunday hasn't called since...
It's Thursday still doesn't check in see how she's doing ask how's school?
He does this allllll the time my daughter looks at me today and says why doesn't daddy care to call me?
I say I dunno baby girl you wanna call him?
No! He should call me even if I call him he doesn't talk..
He knows where I'm at! And then continued to play with her dog and dolls..
My fiancé not her father btw..
Has furnished her room helps me with buying shoes clothes and toys..
He doesn't need or have to he does because he loves my daughter..
He takes her to Xbos it's a game place.. The park carnivals and just adores her..
My problem is her dad the real father tells my daughter he's not your step dad he's nothing and do not call him dad!!!
He's yelled at her and made her cry she's told her father I call him dad because I want too!!
I've always told her you do what's right for you! I will not make you do something you don't wish.
Three weeks ago I asked him to help with pants for our daughter to help... She had a growth spurt and we just paid our mortgage and electric..
He said I can't help you Beth I'm the only one with an income btw it's SSDI his fiancé doesn't work and he's paying for there wedding...
My money is tied up paying for that..
Ummmm your daughter is more important why is that more important then her I never ever ask this man for money or anything I do all for myself and our kid!
I'm 9 months pregnant on bed rest and my fiancé has done enough!
I've honestly had enough he's due to get her this weekend hasn't called or asked about her again...
Am I an awful mother for going to court asking for more $$$ in child support?
He's suppose to pay $150 he gives me $130....
And says that's too much it doesn't help with honestly anything!
Maybe three pants and a shirt or two then I pick up the rest of that slack gas to run her to Drs dentist her dance class he doesn't help with her supplies for school and toys she wants money for trips and food and everything else he won't help with or cares for..
Guess I'm a bad person...
Oh and he hasn't had to pay child support I made a promise u til she starts school you won't pay..
She's 6 and in kindergarten he got mad it was time to pay up...
I'm an awful person in his eyes.. 
Btw in pictures that princess to come to our house my fiancée idea btw!! Was $200 plus cake food gifts and other crap..
I don't deserve this man god he's a blessing I love him so much..
I just don't know what to do with her father!!