PYSCHOTIC mother in law

So my husband and I would have been married 5 years this year. The reason I say would have his because his mother has gone crazy enough that she is now causing a divorce. Long story short MIL thinks everything and I do mean everything revolves around her and her husband and sometimes her two children. We had made plans with my family but hubby forgot he had already made plans with her and the shit hit the fan to put it nicely she bashed me about what a horrible wife I am told me I got cancer for attention because I think "everything is about me" then gets her husband involved who leaves me a horrendous voicemail calling me a fat bitch and telling me to go to hell. I let my husband hear it and he did nothing. A few days later in public his mom and sister cornered me in restroom screaming how I'm ripping their family apart.... Excuse me? They've got that backwards. Well move a week forward hubby got MIL involved in our financial situation which yes we were late on a few things were young have a 7 month old (almost 8 month old now) and medical bills from cancer treatments. So they all show up at my mothers first where my husband says our daughter isn't his then my mom calls she's on her way to get me and my daughter well his parents get to my house and start trying to get in to get to me and the baby the police had to get involved my FIL called our child the f***ing baby over and over and my MIL and SIL kept screaming that I cheated on my husband and the baby isn't his. All the while my husband did NOTHING and allowed me to leave with the baby. We've been gone a month to my moms and he's seen his daughter 2 times by his own choice. I just need reassurance that divorce is where others would turn too I've tried to get him to talk so we can work it out but he won't I love him and want our family together but I feel like that's foolish too. I forgot to add they changed the locks to my home and packed my belongings the very next day