I need some advice..

So my husband and I have been together for 3 years in April,married 2 in August..we just had a baby in January. And I have an 8 year old from my previous marriage. But here the past few months I've been just going crazy..like  I just keep thinking he doesn't love me or want this or anything and it is literally starting to majorly get to me to the point it's causing arguments with us. And I know he loves me or he wouldn't do everything he does..we never argue or have any problems this is just the past few months and it's all on me..I just don't understand it I just I don't feel loved or like he understands what I'm saying when I try and say it..I just feel like I'm not good enough anymore and I just ruining all of this and we are failing ..I know all of this just sounds crazy and I agree it does..I don't unsteady it myself..any advice on how not to drive Him crazy with constantly thinking this? I have absolutely no reason to think he's cheating he was home a straight month after I had our daughter and this is only his second week back and nothing about him has changed..I've always been insecure and I get my feelings hurt way to easily and I take every little saying or action to heart. Any advice?? 😕