Clemens Grosskinsky , MD

American Board of Obstetrics & Gynecology

Obstetrics and Gynecology

Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility

1.6k views 2 ratings

Reviews (2)


    Pregnant 1 IUI
    Total cost $0
    May 09, 2017

    Dr Grosskinky is knowledgeable and straightforward. He also has a great sense of humor when the moment calls for a little brevity. He was very responsive to questions.

    3 IUI
    December 01, 2016

    I felt like he was annoyed when I would ask questions

Overall Rating

4.0 (2 ratings)
Ease of Communication: 4.0 Hands-on: 5.0


Medical SchoolState University of New York
ResidencyDuke University School of Medicine
FellowshipUniversity of North Carolina