
HCG Injectable
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Important Information
This is synthetic recombinant human chorionic gonadotropin which is taken as a subcutaneous injection. This medication is used as a substitute for the mid-cycle hormonal LH surge which induces the final maturational changes in the eggs and prepares them for retrieval. NOTE: After receiving this medication the patient will have a positive pregnancy test for the following 10-12 days (whether you are pregnant or not).
Typical use
Common Side Effect
This is synthetic recombinant human chorionic gonadotropin which is taken as a subcutaneous injection. This medication is used as a substitute for the mid-cycle hormonal LH surge which induces the final maturational changes in the eggs and prepares them for retrieval. NOTE: After receiving this medication the patient will have a positive pregnancy test for the following 10-12 days (whether you are pregnant or not).

Metro Drugs


Freedom Fertility Pharmacy

Elwyn Specialty Care

CVS online

Ambulatory Care Pharmacy


Rox San Pharmacy

Glen Rock Medical Pharmacy

MDR Pharmaceutical Care

Village Fertility Pharmacy

Apthorp Pharmacy

Integrity Rx Specialty Pharmacy

Alto Pharmacy

Avella Specialty Pharmacy

Mandell's Clinical Pharmacy