Fertility Supplement
2.5k views 1 rating

Reviews (1)

    January 23, 2017

    I'm taking this to see if it improves my egg quality- time will tell if it works.

Important Information
While DHEA supplementation has been found to help women with diminshed ovarian reserves, it should only be used if advised by your doctor. It can be tempting to want to try it for any fertility issue, but this may do more harm than good, as it can cause hormone imbalances, especially for women with PCOS. Always speak to your doctor before you take any supplements.
Typical use
General Fertility
Common Side Effect
Acne, hair loss, stomach upset, and high blood pressure. Some women can have changes in menstrual cycle, facial hair growth, and a deeper voice after taking DHEA. DHEA is POSSIBLY UNSAFE when taken by mouth in high doses or long-term.