Advice on my 2 year old!

My 24 month old daughter has always been very very advanced (this sounds like a brag but it's not. Although I am super proud). By 2 and a half months she was pulling her self up on furniture. Walking and talking by 9 months, counting to 10 by 14 months and now has started to learn how to read. She's learnt her vowels and picks them out in her books and sounds them out. She can navigate Netflix and  put on her own clothes seriously it's crazy! 
She starts nursery next week and it's all going to be really basic for her, like she's been drawing actual pictures and stuff for months now and I obviously don't want to push her, infact a lot of the stuff se just seems to pick up. Basically I'm really anxious about her going, has anyone else had this issue? Did you inform the staff, I don't want to sound like one of them pushy mams!