Depressed 7 weeks pregnant

Soo, my fiancé and I had been trying for 2 years for this baby. No one told you when you finally do get that positive that you’d still worry about a chemical.. then once you get past that phase, you worry about every little cramp or back ache you get. You get anxious waiting for your first ultrasound because you worry if there’s going to be a heart beat or not. I finally got to see my little bean on Monday with a strong heart beat of 140BPM. I talked to the doctor about my depression and anxiety. He refused to prescribe anything for it and I have been suffering. Yesterday I wanted to kill myself & this morning I’m uncomfortable crying. I’m so tired of people saying “you’re pregnant, it’s your hormones”. Why can’t I be happy for this pregnancy without crying and being so scared? I want this more than anything. 😢 can someone help me or give me advice? I feel like I’m drowning.