
My husband and i have been at eachother throats. Everythings so wonderful with us up until we start fighting then were screaming at eachother. I'm so frustrated lately because i feel so under appreciated, it feels as though he nit picks what i dont do or what i do wrong but never talks about how im busy carrying our daughter and working my ass off at home and work all at once. It feels like things have to be his way all the time.

We have different tastes in music and he REALLY hates mine apparently so anytime i listen to it he drowns it out with his because he cant stand what i like. 😩 if im watching a youtube video and he doesnt want to hear it he complains and turns his music on so loud i cant even talk over it. But yet i never ever say anything when he does his thing. Am i wrong for being mad? This is everytime we disagree. Its never a compromise with him he just wants things his way and no matter how many times i bring it up he never listens....