Hard decision, need help!

So my dog who is a 1 1/2 year old female cane corso/American bull dog mix bully’s my husbands 7 almost 8 year old male pit/retriever mix. She gets so amped up that she starts attacking him and it’s getting increasingly worse. She’s attacked him to where he has gotten cuts or scratches and same with her because he’s obviously going to fight back but he’s older so he’s not as strong. Well a couple weeks ago she attacked him when the kids were around outside playing it ended up with her bottom eyelid slashed open and his leg tore up and a couple big open wounds on the leg and neck. Well my husband cleaned his dogs wounds up and I had taken mine to the vet because of her eye that she got ointment and antibiotics for. Well not even 2 weeks later me and my daughter get home and she starts attacking him again on the deck this time it got even more aggressive and bloody...she left a hole in his chest area that I could see in that was bleeding pretty back, she reopened the wound on his leg but it was deeper this time, he has gashes on his face, ears and neck. She only had a couple marks on her face, paw and ear. Well she didn’t need to go to the vet this time I put her antibiotic ointment on the spots on her face and ear. My husbands dog was taken to the vet to get his chest stapled shut and get put on antibiotics. Yes they both have rabies shots and are all up to date on the other shots they get. She is the one who instigates the attacks/fights every time. Sometimes it’s even she keeps nipping or biting his butt or something and he doesn’t want to play so he nips back or growls to get her to stop and she just goes off on him. My husband told me I needed to get rid of her so I had taken her to the shelter and they wouldn’t take her in due to aggressive behavior and they can’t be held liable Incase it happens when or if she would get adopted and called me this morning saying my safest option would be to bring her the vet and get her euthanized. I just want to get another persons opinion on this on what should do. Should I bring her to a different shelter or what? I’m confused and upset about this situation. She extremely great with kids but just doesn’t do well with other animals. Some people she can be a bit hesitant with she was growling at the man that I was talking to at the vet but soon walked up to him and let him pet her.