Boyfriend and I need help.

Back story:

Recently I've been feeling quite depressed. I can't seem to find the will to live quite frankly. But I trudge on with a heavy heart and tears in my eyes.


My so and I have been together 3 years in January. He is 24 and I am 19 almost 20. He lives around an hour away from me and only gets to see me at the weekends. This alone kills me inside every week. I hate it! We both have busy schedules so we have no time to see each other during the week.

The awful thing is that when he and I are on the phone. It's completely dead. We don't say anything really. I want to go back to the way we used to be! We used to play games together and laugh non stop but somethings changed. I love him so damn much and I don't want to lose him x

What do i do?!