Not sure what this could be

My son is 8 months and he’s had a cough for 2 months.

At first he would have coughing fits and especially when he was in his walker or crawling fast.

Never a fever or any other symptoms.

His cough has calmed down and no more coughing fits but it’s still there.

His dr put him on amoxicillin.. I wasn’t too sure especially because we don’t know if what’s going on is bacterial. It’s a twice a day five day dose and we’re on day four. He’s still coughing.

He’s having diarrhea now as well and it’s been like straight yellow liquid, no solid whatsoever and horrible smelling.

I know antibiotics can cause diarrhea.

But I feel like a horrible mom that he’s on antibiotics without knowing exactly what’s going on.

Ugh...I don’t know what it could be.

Other than the cough, my son is his normal self 🤷‍♀️