Miserable husband making me miserable

My husband is in the military and I understand how hard the job is mentally and sometimes physically but he’s been like this ever since he started and now that the Covid crap is going on and he rarely goes in but for 1 hour a day if that he is still just as miserable if not more. I’ve encouraged him to seek out therapy but he never does. He says it won’t help but getting out will. So we’ve agreed in a year when his contract is up he won’t resign. Fine with me but I can’t wait a year. He drains the life out of me. I don’t enjoy being near him and every single thing he does annoys me. This was going on before isolation so I know it’s not just that. When I do get space away (I fly back home every so often) I feel so alive and healthy. When I come home I have no energy, I’m irritable and I just have no motivation. I have tried to support him this entire time but I have nothing left to give and I need to refill my tank. Idk what to do anymore. I’m on meds for anxiety and depression and it’s managed well but being around him makes it worse. When I’m away I no longer have much issue. I will always have both but it’s not debilitating. I hate admitting all of this and ive even told him multiple times but he gets offended over me telling him the truth. I try and sugarcoat it but I am blunt as well. His dad was equally as miserable as he is now and I hate it. I’m worried even after he gets out he will be the same. It’s Saturday and all he wants to do is lay on the couch being grumpy and demanding food and sex and ignoring our children. I’m on the verge of leaving because we don’t deserve this. Idc what he’s going through. I go through stuff too but I don’t use it as an excuse to be mean to everyone. Especially the kids. Idk what to do here but I’m so unhappy I can’t ignore it any longer. Is this even a valid reason to divorce.