So heartbroken


As of today I won’t get to meet my nephew at least not till he’s 18 and if he comes and looks for me 😞 my brother and his girlfriend are addicts. She has two daughters one lives with the dads grandma and 2 year old goes back an forth from her moms to her dads they have split custody. They lost my nephew once and got him back they got a second chance. They had to go screw it all up and because they wanted to be together and picked sneaking around and using over there son. His foster parents are good to him and he’s happy and I’m thankful they are good to him. As of today his mother waived all her rights and as far as I know my brother has zero rights. I had the chance to take him but I couldn’t give him what he deserves and my brother and my mom would harass me and cause problems, plus my brother told dhs I have a drug issue which I don’t. I offered to do a drug test to dhs but for some reason she wanted to listen to an active addict. I want my nephew to have a good life and be happy. As an aunt I feel I let him down and I should have been there for him. This isn’t making my anxiety or depression any better. I’m just so lost. I can’t stand people they have kids just to kick them to the curb. I hope when he gets older he’s know all I wanted is the best for him and that I love him more then anything