Stressing over my 8 year old. Help!


My son is 8 years old and I’m starting to stress myself out from how he has been acting at school and at home. My husband and I are trying to get a better understanding on why he might be acting the way he is. We are completely against medicating him but in all honesty I’m concerned he might have ADHD(which is totally fine because when I was a kid my drs diagnosed me with it but they had me on medications that made me a freakin zombie and I don’t want that for him).

I just don’t know what to do at this point. In my mind I really think “he’s just 8 and he’s testing to see how much he can get away with” but that question lingers within me constantly.

Ive struggled with him growing up with his behavior horribly. He was kicked out of daycare at the age of 3 because he was too hard for them to control, in pre-k he constantly had bad reports and would destroy the classroom almost daily with a temper tantrum and when he reached kindergarten he seemed to kind of mellow out a little bit and got a lot better with his behavior but the older he is getting the more complicated it’s becoming with keeping him on task, he isn’t doing what’s asked if him at school and at home, his grades are dropping and he just shuts down and gives up. Idk what to do anymore. He also just had his first eye dr appt and needs glasses and is color blind so he’s bent out of shape about that as well.

Does anyone have any advice or any help to give? I would greatly appreciate it.