work has me fucked up 😑

I started working at a daycare about 3 weeks ago and I’ve been working with 6 one year olds and I love it but the same time I’m exhausted I’m by myself and it’s been stressing me the fuck out because when I’m busy attending one child like for a example changing a diaper my other kids be biting the shit out of each other and I can’t do anything cause I don’t want leave the child I’m attending to fall off the table .so I get hurt children I get the parents mad because I can’t fuck stop them then in the morning I hear complaints about how this none of there charts got done which we use to give show what they did through the day between the day like what time they got feed change ect I’m only one person I’m trying my hardest but I feel like I just get all the bullshit and I constantly feel like I’m not doing a good job and I feel like I make a bad impression to the parents and feel like I can’t be fully involved with the kids cause I’m constantly running back and forward and leaving shit undone