My Husband Annoys Me


Okay, the title may throw you off completely, lemme explain.

Since I got pregnant, it’s like anything my husband do irritates my soul. Like don’t touch me, don’t kiss me (like because my sense of smell increase, his breath always smells bad to me so no tonguing over here or I’ll literally gag!), don’t even speak to me sometimes. I think it’s my hormones cutting up, but I can’t be the only pregnant lady experiencing this 😭😩. Like he will call my phone and I’ll throw a silent fit, throw my hands up and roll my eyes before I answer. Before getting pregnant, nothing he did was really an issue. But now, it’s like he takes a breath, I’m annoyed 🤣😩.

I tell him please don’t disrupt my sleep at all because I get real fiesty. I get insomnia bad when pregnant so I cherish my sleep. He will cuddle me while I’m asleep and I wake up and can’t go back. I just silently cry because I don’t wanna be a bitch and flash out. He don’t deserve that.

I’m basically ready to be done with pregnancy because my emotions be thru the roof! Like Ladies who has been in my shoes, what are some advice to help me not be irritated with him? I feel bad because this pregnancy makes me not want to be associated with anybody. I rather be alone with my other child. My sex drive low so sex ain’t needed for me. And I’m so nauseous, oral is out. I do know my husband loves receiving oral so I have sucked it up and endure getting sick a couple times. But overall, I just wanna lay in bed alone allll day.