
I was watching tv with my wife. She told me to pause the show because she had something to ask me. She asked me why I was naked in front of everyone on this particular night before we were together or married. I told her what happened. I had gotten black out drunk and my friends were taking care of me and had me in tub. It was truly embarrassing and that’s why I didn’t tell her. However she went forward to say that when I was telling things about my life this is something that should have come up not sure why because I didn’t do anything and I was single. She went on to ask me if I had sex with anyone and continued to ask. It was weird because I know she went through my phone to see the video and sat on the information for almost two years. She has the password to my phone because I trust her and truly have nothing to hide. She also brought up the fact that she doesn’t get why I don’t want to share my location with her. I’ve shared it previously with another woman in a relationship but she made me comfortable about doing it sharing it first and making it seem like it was nothing. Whereas my wife considers it suspicious behavior. We share one car currently I get home she takes it to work. We talk on the phone consistently I’m not sure why that would be suspicious. I feel like I constantly cave to her demands but this is something I don’t want to do just not comfortable with.