I need to rant about my family🙄😩


Im currently 28 weeks pregnant and getting ready to move out of my apartment next week. Back in may my mom said she was going to bring my 7 year old nephew out from arizona (we live in nj) for the summer as my dad has cancer and we arent sure when the next time we can bring him out. Problem is, i am the only person available to watch him while both parents work dayshift during the week and i am

A stay at home mom to my almost 3 year old boy. Im high risk for pre-eclampsia so i told my mom that i cant have him every single day as i have too much going on and i dont need the stress of this too. She brought him out anyway saying she would figure something out. Since memorial day weekend, i have been at my parents house every single day 5 days a week all day long to watch my nephew, my son, and their 2 dogs plus mine after i told my mom i cant. I started packing my apartment towards the end of may so i would have plenty of time to get it done since im basically doing it by myself. My fiance works all week and on the weekends and only has tuesday and wednesday off and thats when we are watching my nephew. We cant take him back to my apartment because he is super hyper (adhd) and im having issues with my downstairs neighbors that i dont feel like dealing with if my nephew is too loud. Im moving out next week and i am almost done i just need to make sure everything is clean. I told my mom saturday night that im not going to make it down monday because if i do ill only have 2 days to clean

And get everything ready for my move. She threw a complete fit because im the only one who can watch him and she doesnt want to call out of work for one day. I told her that i have been there every single day that she has needed me, even when i couldnt be there, and i needed that extra day to get every thing i need done. I said that she needs to understand that im doing all of this packing by myself, while pregnant and high risk, while taking care of my son, while coming back to their house an hour away to watch my nephew 5 days a week. Both of my parents were pissed that they had to call out to watch my nephew who i told my mom that i did not have the time to watch from the very get go! And to make things worse, all my nephew does all day long is fight with my 2 1/2 year old. My son is almost 3 but is an only child so he is still learning how to share and play with others. My nephew is 7 and definitely old enough to know how to share and to understand that his cousin is still a "baby". All my nephew does is fight with my son, when my Son just wants to play with him. Yesterday my nephew pushed my son headfirst off the couch Because he was trying to watch my nephew play his game. My son could have gotten seriously hurt. I have to keep punishing my nephew for his bad behavior. I know damn well his mother raised him better than this and that he is acting badly bcause his parents arent around and my mom lets him get away with EVERYTHING. Which then starts arguments because im trying to keep up with the rules that are in place at my nephews mothers house and my mom is doing the complete opposite.

The stress of all of this is just too much for me and when i tell them i need a break, its a big deal! When i tell them that im behind on my packing they act like i should have gotten all this packing done weeks ago. I calculated how many packing days ive had in two months and it was only 14. 14 days to pack and clean an entire apartment by myself.

I love my nephew, i do. But i never wanted him out here because i did NOT have the time to deal with him while getting my own stuff done. My mom always does this to me. She constantly calls me a couple of days before she needs me and says "i need you to come down this weekend and watch the dogs. You need to come do this. You need to come do that." And when i say no its a huge deal! And i rarely say no because im the only one of her kids that still live in state.

Im very frustrated. My fiance is frustrated. And idk what to do. My mom always throws out the "i sacrificed so much for you" but if i cannot be there i cant be there! I cant sacrifice moving out in time to watch my nephew when they are more than capable of doing it themselves!

Sorry this was long but i am just so frustrated that im being made out to be the bad guy because i have my own stuff going on! 😩😩😩