My stepson is seriously disturbed (4.5 years old). My husband doesn’t discipline at all. It’s really putting a strain on our marriage. He threatened to punch my stomach (26+4)


And my husband said nothing. He’s punched my 11 month old daughter. He’s punched me and his dad. He calls us names. Destroys property. He constantly asks to see pics of my daughter crying - not happy ones.

At my insistence - he’s in child therapy and DH and I are in counseling as well.

We don’t believe in spanking but taking privileges; talking things through; time out; etc - but even recently my husband says those things just make him worse. My stepson talks to me like trash and my husband doesn’t say a word.

My stepson literally clings to his shirt or pants and says daddy daddy like a 2 year old - he cannot be independent for more than 2-3 minutes. He refuses to dress himself or put on socks or Velcro shoes. My husband just goes along and talks to him in baby talk.

My stepson shows violent tendencies toward my 18 month old daughter and toward myself.

I had a talk with my husband and he blew up saying I just don’t want his son around - which is not true. I’ve worked so hard with my stepson; never hit him; play with him; try to teach him independence and loving discipline.

I’m at my wits end with his behavior and I fear for my daughter and my unborn son.

Any suggestions/advice?

Edit: I packed a small bag and left. I calmly explained why I was leaving and that was that.