How can I fix this

Literally everything I let my husband take over ends up going wrong, so I always do everything. And since I do everything, I get overwhelmed and get mad at my husband about the fact that I couldn’t delegate even if I wanted to because things would all go wrong. Not even slightly wrong. I’m talking broken glow stick all over toddlers in bath, that is also filled with more broken glow stick all throughout the water bad. That’s what I get for asking him to bathe them. He didn’t even have to prep the bath, I did that. Cause he makes the water way too hot and deep so I have to. All he had to do was the bathing part. (Is that a toxicity issue, btw? Should I be concerned or is the glow stick liquid diluted enough in the bathwater that it won’t harm my children? I know the package warns not to let the liquid make contact with skin. Is it a skin irritation concern or a blood toxicity concern?) So yeah, I have to clean the bath and rinse the twins off now, since he is incapable of either of those things. Should’ve just bathed them myself from the start, as I normally would’ve done. But no, he would be offended that I don’t think he is responsible or dependable.

He also gets pissy with me if I get frustrated with my twins once in awhile. And then if I’m like ok fine, you take over... he will... but he gets frustrated too. Which I’m like wtf?! Cause you’re just really gonna get pissy at me for being frustrated with them after I’ve been with them all week everyday, and you’ve just gotten frustrated with them after (not even kidding) 3 MINUTES of “taking over.” Guess it’s a good thing I’m the stay at home parent, lol.

Best part is, when I’m frustrated with them, he sucks up to them. Like if I say “eat your potatoes, get your fork out of your ear, and stop smearing ketchup on the dining table” for the 30th time in a row to my kid and I say it with an aggravated tone, he will be like “thank you so much for eating your food, baby” in the nicest way possible. He just wants to be the good guy all the time. And then I’ll be like fine, you take over. And within 3 minutes he’s visibly frustrated with our kid.