My mother is a bitch *strong language obviously*


I know people are going to be like 'She brought you in to this world!' But all I have to say is that she can take me out if she wants to.

My mother is a homophobic, liar, manipulative, fake bitch.

My parents split when I was 6 and my father had me while my little brother was with my mother, long story short, she took me and kept my little brother too.

I always hated my mother, she told lies about my father and about her own sister. She treated us like servants. Because of her at the age of 7 I knew how to light lighters, change diapers, make bottles, open beers, types of drugs, what sex was(which I knew my whole life). I never felt safe with her and I had planned to leave with my father and get my brother out of there some how.

Then she got married to my step father. I had gotten new step-siblings to protect that I cannot legally take so I canceled going with my father and stayed with my mum for a few more years. I gotten so sick and tired of her I made arrangements again. My father lives in California, I am going with him for the summer and I plan to never come back. My step father doesn't even wanna be home as he is always out working, I hear him on the phone trying to find more work to do to stay out the house from my crazy mother.

But this woman has gone too far and I am ready to fight her if she does any more damage.

My mother 'hates' my father. (She is still in love with him and she hates it so she tries to ruin his life) My step father brought over a guy to the house which was his friend. I am gone with my Grandma and my brother is home with my mother. She was drinking like she does every night, and my Step father was drinking too. Well the guy was actually an old friend of my father. When she found out she flipped and started yelling out trash about my father. She said she will kill him when she sees him again and my step dad joined in and said he will beat my father up. My mother then booty called my father (Which she has done before many times) and left it on. So my father listened to her talk trash about him to his friend, she is screaming and basically throwing a tantrum over what she will do to him.

She then said out loud "I DIDN'T EVEN WANT KIDS, I JUST KEPT THEM FOR THE CHILD SUPPORT!" {To which she tells my brother and I that he never sends any even though he sends me the information and proof he sends money but she spends it on herself}

And during all of that, my brother was down stairs listening to her and watching it all. I am trying to get ahold of him but he won't answer the phone. If she had hurt him I am packing bags and we are leaving the house to my grandma's. We will go with my father a bit earlier and I am making sure my mother never gets us again.

Sorry for this post I just needed something to stop me from calling my mum and screaming at her....