

Am 37 year old lady recently divorced i met alot of guys in my life most of them seem to be very children in their behaviour they either broke up or ghost

I met 1 month back a man who is 56 year old and i thought that he was the man who would make me happy

We use to chat alot , text , me mad me feel secure and happy and he always say to me how much he loves me .. all of a sudden the last 2 days he stop calling me and answering my texts

I ask whats wrong why is he doing this to me

He replied that he think am so young and am the age of his children and i deserve better than him and he block me everywhere

I dunno why he is doing this i thought he was old enough and mature . He is separated living with his kids

He left me with broken heart i trust no men now

Am so saaad and heart broken why would some one do this to someone he caries about