
Hey girls,

I am feeling heart broken right now. I received a message on fb from a random page telling me to take care of my husband because he’s interested in other women. I told them to send me proof but they haven’t replied to me. I asked my husband about it and told me that it’s a lie and it might be someone hating on us. I don’t know what to believe because I have had haters in the past. But this is way to far. I’m going to wait patiently for proof but I feel lost and heart broken. He’s always been a good men with me and I want to believe that but with something like this it’s another level. I don’t know what to do. Please help me.

Update: he let me go through his phone and nothing suspicious showed up. I just don’t understand why someone would do this if they don’t have a reason to. It’s really heart breaking getting messages like this. Still waiting on proof of this person from fb.

Update 2: so this person responded and told me “look for it and you’ll see” and showed no proof at all. I tend to be an over thinker and idk if they are saying this because they saw something or heard something about my husband or if they are just trying to ruin a happy marriage. I do have an idea of who it can be because my husband hangs out with her husband and she sometimes compares and talks good about my husband. But I just don’t understand. I wish I had answers.