Divorce rant/ asking for support?

lil princess

So my husband and I have been together almost 5 years, October 20th would be 5 years, and married 4 and a half years, just celebrated 4 years in April. Well I filed for divorce and he signed the agreement paper thing. We have a almost 4 year old son and a almost 3 year old daughter that we recently gave up custody of, its a long story I'd rather not get in to. Our divorce will be final October 7th and I'll be going back to my maiden name and possibly changing my first name as well. We are still living together until our lease is up November 1st. I haven't lived on my own ever. I lived with my mom or other family and friends till 18 when me, my son and my ex got our own place. I haven't been single for a long period of time since I was 15. My job history now sucks because my ex husband was extremely manipulative and would yell at me for not working and then yell at me for not being home so my longest held job was 9 months when I was 17. I'm now 22 and have terrible credit because of stolen identity, terrible work history, terrible mental health, no where to go and no one to lean on for help. How did you ladies handle your divorce? Did you have mental health problems at the time of your divorce that you had to manage as well and if you did how did you manage them? I haven't been alone in a long time and I don't know if I honestly know how to be alone.