Almost 7 months old refuses napping

Shahd • 💏 Happily married 👶🏻 Baby #1 born Feb 2020 (Emergency C-section) 👶🏻 Baby #2 born Jan 2022 (VBAC)

Hello sweet mommies

So my son learned how to sooth himself and is able to sleep in the night without fussing or crying

But naps! Oh lord! He used to fuss until we transitioned them from three to two naps and been napping greatly for two weeks

But suddenly last week he started fussing again and crying loudly although I can tell he is extremely sleepy but yet he refuses to sleep

There is a tooth that is erupting so is this due to teething?

Kindly share your experiences if your babies suddenly did the same

And why at night sleeping is better is due to melatonin? Just wondering