Parent divorce rant

My parents are divorcing and really this month the process really sped up. But it feels like my father wants us to feel guilty. He makes remarks like “ ask your mother if you want something the courts going to take all my money and giving it to her, .....if you want to go to collage you need to get a scholarship or join the military because there won’t be money for you, .......and I’m going to sell the house so it’s no longer a place for you.” And those remarks aren’t making me feel as just as guilty as stressed. I’m a freshman and to think how little time I have to go to collage I have left. The reasoning he is being so salty is because he don’t want to pay child support or even alimony for my mom. On top of that my mom never graduated high school nor does she have a job so she won’t be able to support us in her own.So he’s been saying stuff like if you put in to take my retirement money in just going to leave the country. I find it messed up especially because he is pretty much the one at fault for the divorce.hes also been saying stuff about the area we live in he hates everything about it here. He hates my school, my home I’m living it, and just everything. He mentioned he wants us for half of a year and my mom for half a year, but that’s really unstable and all I’ve ever wanted was stability.he’s in the military so all my life every 2-3 years we move and I’m tired of it. When I moved to where I am now located I was so happy because my extended family is here and I was ready to graduate in my high school with friends I made in the 4 years but I guess that won’t be happening..... on top of that He’s a very narcissistic person too and he’s extremely smart I just have a feeling somethings up with that. He’s also mentioned some passive aggressive statements about money problems to my 12 year old sister which I find wrong as-well.