
Hi there, so for background I have had a UTI around late april, and almost had one (yk when yk) in June (I started flushing my system out with water). Right now (it started earlier in the day) I’ve had this sharp pain. It’s in my lower right abdomen and sometimes hurts a bit when peeing. The sharp pain is mainly from moving around (not every time I move it hurts, just sometimes?). I thought it was because I’m constantly constipated which is normal for me but I already went #2 today so I’ve ruled that out. This isn’t what I felt with my first UTI, the symptoms mainly stayed in my urethra back then but now not so much. I would consider a kidney infection, but my back doesn’t hurt and the pain isn’t on 24/7. I don’t feel the best, but I’m hoping it will resolve itself naturally with all of the water that I am chugging. Any help is appreciated!!! ❤️